More Arizona Stories

Obamacare Issues Affect AZ Medicaid Enrollment

Arizona expanded its Medicaid program, known as AHCCCS, under the Affordable Care Act.

Congress Negotiates Food Stamp Funding, Grijalva Opposes Cuts

Arizona Congressman hopes Senate, House will agree to eliminate proposed cuts to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs.

Health Centers Enroll 8,000 in First Month of Medicaid Expansion

Arizona officials estimate 300,000 people are eligible for the state’s Medicaid program, known as AHCCCS.

Vail: No Incorporation; 'Population Doesn't Feel It's Right Time.'

56% vote against formation of what would have been AZ's 92nd municipality; proponents disappointed.

Tucson City Council Democratic Incumbents Re-elected

Uhlich wins Ward 3, Fimbres Ward 5; propositions to increase city spending limit, 10-year plan both pass.

AZ Week: Local Elections in Tucson, Phoenix Tuesday

Both cities will choose city council members; a look at what side of the political spectrum they stand on.

AZ Illustrated Politics: Friday, November 1, 2013

Troubling rollout of Obamacare; next week's Tucson city elections; referendum effort to reverse a new state law overhauling AZ's election system.

UA On Top for Most Employable Graduates, Report Says

Global Employability Survey ranks top 150 universities around world; AU ranks 13 among US public universities.

Local Junk Shop May Be Home to Friendly Ghosts

Betty Blues Junk Shop has been experiencing paranormal activities recently.

All Souls Attracts Participants Beyond Local Community

One-time intimate expression of loss becomes collective cultural tradition in Tucson; All Souls weekend kicks off Nov. 2.

Pima County Library's Ghost in Tucson List Investigated

Laura Palmisano reports on the origins of the list and visits one of the "haunted" locations.

AZ Business Groups Lobby for Immigration Reform

US businesses head to DC, including AZ Chamber visiting all 9 AZ House members to cite positive economic impact.

AZ Behind in Distributing Fed Housing Aid, US Auditors Say

State has been slow in dispersing funds to help struggling homeowners; AZ's rate was the second lowest among 18 states.

Referendum to Overturn Election Changes Makes Ballot

Successful petition drive stops measures from taking effect until voters decide in 2014 general election.

ACLU Suing to Add Cannabis Extracts to MMJ Law

Group files suit in name of 5-year-old with rare form of epilepsy; he's one of the few children in state to have a medical marijuana card.

Obamacare Site Defects Push People to Other Enrollment Options

Local patient navigator turns to helping uninsured residents fill out paper applications to weigh on their eligibility for insurance plans.

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