More Immigration Stories

AZ Week: 'Migrant Youths Have Options to Stay, Hard to Obtain'

Immigration law expert says undocumented minors often go unrepresented in proceedings, don't know rights.

Brewer: Influx of Immigrants 'Crisis Created by Obama'

Governor sent a letter to House Speaker Boehner asking him to address issue.

ACLU of AZ: Children Experience Civil Rights Abuses in Detention

Claim against Department of Homeland Security cites mistreatment, neglect.

Tucson Aerospace Company Looks to Increase Business in Mexico

For past 3 months, Airtronics has been operating a plant in Nogales, Sonora; partners with locals.

Ports of Entry Working to Make City Intl Trade Powerhouse

Proximity to Mexico puts Old Pueblo in middle of opportunities for economic development; many hope to keep growing.

Man Claiming Sanctuary Gets One-Year Deportation Reprieve

In South Side Tucson church for last month, he is told government won't seek to oust him for now.

Central American Immigrant Minors Jam Nogales Shelter

FEMA workers on site as busloads arrive Saturday; more reported to be en route from Tucson airport.

Central American Youth Overwhelm Immigration System

Illegal crossings rise sharply in Texas; teens, younger children being brought to Arizona by federal officers.

Spike in Unaccompanied Minors Apprehended at Border

Most Central American youth appearing in Texas trying to cross into US illegally; Arizona feels effects as border region resources drained.

Performance Piece Explores Culture of Border Region

Sonoran Strange raises questions about life in along the U.S.-Mexico borderlands; piece includes video projection; bilingual performance art.

Study: Immigration at Young Age for Latinos May Increase Addiction

Previous research had showed immigrants tend to have lower rates of alcohol and drug problems than people born in U.S.

South Tucson Police Change SB 1070 Enforcement Policy

Responding to ACLU complaint, department agrees to rewrite immigration policy.

AZ Federal Court Nearing Full Strength With New Appointees

Earlier this year, court operating on as few as 7 judges; very low number for district that sees most criminal cases in the country.

No Immediate Action for Sanctuary Case, Immigration Officials Say

However deportation order is still in effect two days after Mexican immigrant moves into church.

NPR Report: Border Patrol Deadly Force Questioned

A lawyer in Corpus Christi, Texas currently represents families in three BP shootings where agent was in U.S. and victim in Mexico.

Immigrant Facing Deportation Seeks Sanctuary at Tucson Church

Mexican man hopes to stay at church known for helping migrants; he's lived in US for more than 14 years.

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