More Immigration Stories

Rangers Citing Grand Canyon Intruders in Shutdown

21 people caught trying to hike in or go past locked gates in national park closed by federal government.

Grijalva, 7 Other Members of Congress Arrested

Demonstration calling for immigration reform leads to civil disobedience as street blocked near US Capitol.

Part of SB 1070 Struck Down by Federal Appeals Court

'Harboring and transporting aliens' clause called void because of its vagueness and is preempted by fed law.

Govt Shutdown Affecting Immigration Issues

Two-thirds of nation's courts handling such issues are closed or working strictly limited schedules.

Shutdown: Parks Closed, D-M Civilians Furloughed

Essential services, including air traffic control, Border Patrol, other security forces, still working.

Report: Illegal Immigration May Be Rising Again

Decline began in 2007 with recession, tougher enforcement; new numbers show uptick since recession ended.

Grijalva, Fellow Congressman Introduce Immigration Bill

Border Caucus co-chairs aim to create new plan, saying it's time to move forward with reform.

Border Deaths Up From Last Year, Pima County Figures Show

Medical examiner's office reports 148 migrant deaths so far, compared to 125 at this time in 2012.

Congressman Grijalva Wants New Immigration Reform Plan

Immigration bill has stalled in the US House; there are expectations that it will not be voted on this year.

Upgrades at Mariposa Port Expected to Boost Nogales

Mayor, produce industry say renovations at commercial entry from Mexico will speed traffic, add jobs.

Rothschild: Stronger Economic Ties Between AZ, Sonora a Must

Tucson mayor says he's working to strengthen relationships with Mexican business, governmental officials.

Grijalva Invites Congressional Border Caucus to Nogales

Ad hoc hearing on humanitarian, economic issues; tour of port of entry on agenda for Friday gathering.

NPR: Are Speeded-Up Immigration Cases Working?

Quick trials, followed by sentence and deportation, aim to cut repeat illegal crossings; Senate's bill calls for more.

Border Patrol Uses Eminent Domain for Land to Build Security Tower

US attorney says public purpose for property taken is to ensure agency is able to properly secure border.

Immigrant Interest in Commemoration of 'I Have a Dream' Speech

Civil rights 50 years ago, immigrant rights today: 'At core, we're talking about same thing,' advocate says.

UPDATED: McCain, Flake Hold Mesa Town Hall on Immigration

They helped get it through U.S. Senate; now stalled in House, where Republicans say it has little chance.

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